About this programme

Through European public investment in R&I, innovative high-quality health technologies and health care in general will remain both available and affordable for citizens. A particular attention should be given to making these health systems more accessible and sustainable, in particular through the digital transformation of health and care. These investments will also give the health industry a competitive advantage on the global stage. Finally this cluster also focuses on how people can improve their own lives and prevent illness.

The benefits for citizens will be twofold. On the one hand, this entails that citizens can rely on effective health care services that address their medical needs and reduce the burden on them, their families and communities. On the other hand, people will be assisted in promoting their own health and preventing diseases

The calls are all closely related to the EU4health programme and should create synergies with the latter. Horizon Europe will focus on creating new knowledge, while EU4Health will focus on making the best possible use of this new knowledge for the benefit of citizens and health systems.

The calls for proposals within the health cluster are spread over 6 destinations:

  1. Living healthy
  2. Living and working in a health-promoting work environment
  3. Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
  4. Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high quality health care
  5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
  6. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive industry


As an integral part of Horizon Europe, a set of EU Missions aim to deliver solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing Europe. Cancer is one of the 5 official mission areas defined by the Commission. The goal of the Mission on Cancer is to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. 

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Image of Sarah Stroobants

Sarah Stroobants


+32 2 550 15 64

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image of GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant coordinated the Glaukos project, which answered the call topic published in 2019 of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme ‘Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products’ under the Framework of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). The consortium partners took up this challenge by valorising industrial side streams and setting up a circular approach to the textile industry.