About NCP Flanders
NCP Flanders provides on the ground advice to potential applicants and beneficiaries, through the full project life cycle

NCP Flanders

In Belgium NCPs have been established per region. NCP Flanders provides free of charge information and advice to all stakeholders located in Flanders (enterprises, institutes, non-profit-organisations, universities, university colleges,...) and to all Flemish public institutions located anywhere in Belgium. NCP Flanders is a cooperation between the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), and Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO).

Are you looking for contact info of a specif member of our staff? Take a look at the team page!

NCP Flanders can help to:

  • Navigate the EU funding landscape for research, innovation & digitalisation
  • Shed light on administrative procedures & legal and financial rules
  • Support in partner searches
  • Support in preparing your proposal

Not located in Flanders?

Are you a Belgian stakeholder not located in Flanders?

Since in Belgium NCP services are regionalised, there are 4 other NCP organisations responsible for other stakeholder groups:

  • NCP Brussels for enterprises and international organisations located in Brussels
  • NCP FNRS for universities of the French speaking community
  • NCP Federal, for the federal institutes
  • NCP Wallonie for the enterprises of the Walloon region

Related link: Looking for someone specific? Check the most up-to-date list of  European Horizon Europe NCP advisors or of European Digital Europe NCP advisors on the Funding and Tenders Portal of the Commission.



image of UNCHAIN - Revolutionising urban logistics & space management

UNCHAIN - Revolutionising urban logistics & space management

The UNCHAIN project, ‘urban logistics and planning: anticipating urban freight generation and demand including digitalisation of urban freight’ obtained funding from the Horizon Europe’s Mobility Cluster. The project focuses on breaking down data silos and promoting public-private data exchange across a unified European mobility data space, enabling more informed decisions and greater efficiency. The City of Mechelen is a partner in the project and takes on the role of ‘follower city’: it will work alongside the primary demonstration sites (in Madrid, Berlin and Florence) to maximize the geographical coverage and replicability of solutions across Europe. Mechelen aims to test 2 concrete solutions in the UNCHAIN project, with the aim to help addressing its current and future challenges in urban freight distribution.