Besides Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe there are many other relevant funding programmes managed by several agencies and directorates of the European Commission.
The EU provides funding for a wide range of projects and programs, covering almost all areas. Finding your way in
this vast landscape of possibilities is not always easy and can be very time consuming. But no longer...
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) has created the handy
EU Funding Overview tool .
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Consult VLEVA's list of
contact points in Flanders for European programmes, other than Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
Below you can find a handpicked selection of European funding programmes. We listed those that are closely related to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, so expect mostly Research, Development & Innovation programmes in thematics related to the Horizon domains.
Together with the ERDF Flanders program, Interreg programs form the ERDF part of the cohesion policy in Flanders.
The ROOT project obtained funding under Horizon 2020 topic ‘EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment’. The project, which ran from November 2020 to July 2022, aimed to demonstrate the benefit of Galileo OSNMA signal to increase the robustness of critical telecom infrastructures.
The Flanders-based company Septentrio contributed substantially to completing this objective together with the other ROOT partners. The results of the project partially close a gap in the security of telecommunication networks dependent on satellite-derived time, with indirect benefits in curbing illegal attempts to disrupt network services.