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The NCP Flanders' team consists of 13 persons.
Feel free to reach out to them directly, or use when it is not clear whom to contact.
We use a simple colour code for the programme labels throughout the site: green is for Horizon Europe, blue is for Horizon 2020 and purple is for Digital Europe. Yellow is used for NCP Flanders related topics.
You can as well visit the Horizon Europe Horizon 2020, Digital Europe, or Defence pages to browse by programme domain and find the responsible NCPs there for each topic.
NCP Flanders is a cooperation between FWO, the Research Foundation Flanders, and VLAIO, Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
The Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Action (MSCA) European Innovative Training Network “PBNv2 - Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles” started in May 2017. Their research has the shared objective of investigating the possibilities to decrease pass-by noise of vehicles.
The project is a collaboration between 17 research institutions and companies in the European automotive R&D and provides a learning environment for 14 PhD fellows. The Belgian partner is the Noise and Vibration Research Group of KU Leuven, and this project is one of the many Horizon 2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks that the KU Leuven research group participates in.