Guidance & Assistance
for Stakeholders in Flanders
on European funding programmes

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2025-03-25 Health EIT

EIT Health 2025 Bootcamps for start-ups: Apply now!

EIT Health is currently calling for applications for several health bootcamp programmes. These are intensive incubation programmes for start-ups. The programmes gives start-ups the chance to explore their full-market potential and connect with a network of fellow innovators across Europe. Themes of the 2025 Bootcamps: Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp - with deadline to apply by 16 April 2025 MedTech Bootcamp - with deadline to apply by 28 May 2025 Patient Innovation Bootcamp - with deadline to apply by 28 May 2025  Regulatory Pathways to Market Bootcamp - with deadline to apply by 28 May 2025 Please be aware taking part in these calls is not always for free. We advise you to read carefully the participation rules in advance.More information available on the EIT Health website. Or join the EIT Health's info webinar on 27 March 2025.If you are interested in one (or more) of these programmes, don't hesitate to contact the EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands hub. E-Mail: . 

2025-03-24 Digital, Industry & Space EIT

EIT manufacturing: final cut-off date for accelerator call

What is it ? The European Institute of innovation and Technology (EIT) tries to bridge the achievements of our researchers and succesful start-ups and/or fast-growing companies. They consist of nine sectoral subdivisions who each publish calls to look for the most promising projects in which they can invest in. One of these calls, the EIT Manufacturing Accelerate is a permanently open Call with the objective to support, scale and accelerate industry startups into impactful players in the European manufacturing ecosystem. It was started in early 2024 and now reaches the end of its life cycle. The final cut-off date is on the 21st of April so this is the final chance (for now) for those companies from the manufacturing sector that are looking for additional investment to to accelerate the expansion of their business.  Who can apply? The Accelerate programme is open to startups with solutions at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 or higher, that are currently fundraising or preferably already in an ongoing funding round with the following characteristics: Developing new products/services/solutions for manufacturing customers, and have a business-to-business (B2B) business model Have an innovative product/service contributing to at least one of the EIT Manufacturing Strategic Objectives (SOs), thematic areas, and priority technologies, products and/or solutions Have relevant business and technical expertise available in the team Demonstrate sound Business Planning This Call is open to private businesses (legal entities) with at least 2 team members and with headquarters in any Member State  of the European Union, and in any country associated with Horizon Europe programme. The total maximum EIT funding allocated to this call is 8.800,000 EUR. The available financial support (also known as “sub-grant”) is starting from 50,000 EUR and can be up to 500,000 EUR per company to pursue activities which are in line with the overall EIT Manufacturing Strategic Objectives and based on the project plan, budget, and the investment terms. All details about this call can found here. 

2025-03-24 Agro-Food, Environment EIT

EIT Food Fast Track to Market 2025 call is open

What is it? The European Institute of Innovation and Technology tries to bridge the gap between promising innovations and successful businesses. It consists of nine sectoral subdivisions, with EIT Food being particularly important for the Belgian market, as its headquarters are based in Leuven. To help these high-potential companies reach out to new horizons, the EIT food has launched a Fast Track to Market call. The deadline for the call is the 6th of May 2025. Who can apply to Fast Track to Market? Your company is eligible to apply if you: Be a legally incorporated entity in one of the EU or Horizon Europe eligible countries for a minimum of 12 months of business activity. Have a technology, product, service, or solution aligned to one or more of EIT Food’s Missions. Be classified as a SMALL sized company as defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361 (less than 49 employees and less than 10 million in turnover or balance sheet). Have a minimum of 3 full-time employees (3 FTEs) or 3 full-time employee equivalents. We ask that applicants have a clear case for a project lasting no longer than 12 months that can significantly accelerate their startup/SME’s commercial success, and that the proposed project must be able to have an immediate impact by bringing their products or services to the market. For more information about the call go to this webpage.  

2025-03-21 Health

New clinical trial map launched in the EU

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has made available a new clinical trial map, which is now accessible from the public website of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS). The map is designed to provide patients and healthcare professionals with easy access to comprehensive, real-time information about clinical trials conducted in their area, increasing access to clinical research in the European Union. Users can look for ongoing trials by geographic area and medical condition. The first version of the map is provided in English. Additional EU languages will be added in the future.A recording with a demonstration on how to use all the features is available on the EMA website. More information here.Background: The creation of the map is an action of the Accelerating Clinical Trials in the European Union (ACT EU) initiative workplan for 2025-2026. CTIS includes a public searchable database for healthcare professionals, patients and citizens to deliver the high level of transparency foreseen by the Clinical Trials Regulation. The authorisation and oversight of clinical trials is the responsibility of EU/EEA Member States while EMA is responsible for maintaining CTIS. The European Commission oversees the implementation of the Clinical Trials Regulation.

2025-03-18 RI

RDA TIGER cascade grant call for adoption grants

The aim of these cascading grants is to enhance the activities of RDA Working Groups through the adoption and further development of Working Group outputs. With a focus on outputs that lead to impact on the Open Science landscape, the cascading grants will ultimately contribute to the interoperability of Open Science solutions within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The cascading grants call is open not just to RDA Working Groups seeking to facilitate the adoption of their outputs, but also to organisations outside the RDA (for instance, research institutes or private companies) who wish to adopt an RDA output or recommendation. Any entity eligible to receive Horizon Europe funding can apply, barring consortium members of the RDA TIGER project. The total budget made available with this cascade grants call is €50,000 and it is expected to award between 3 and 5 grants with a funding range between €10,000 – €16,666, depending on applications received.  The deadline for applications is 27 April 2025. The selected projects are expected to be launched in May 2025 and need to be concluded by the end of October 2025. All information related to the call is available on this section of the RDA Alliance website. The RDA TIGER project RDA TIGER is an abbreviation of Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions. It is a two-year project funded under the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures work programme, more specifically the destination Enabling an operational, open and fair EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC).   The project supports RDA Working Groups that concretely align, harmonise, and standardise Open Science developments and technologies globally. The services it provides will facilitate and support coherent and consistent working group definitions and increase the impact of the key European initiatives on the global level. The project will directly contribute to the EOSC Partnership by supporting (via the Working Groups) the international engagement and alignment of policies, technologies, methodologies, practices and other outputs of EOSC-related and other European Open Science developments. More information about the RDA TIGER project can be found here.



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image of Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

The Miricle project, ‘Mine Risk Clearance for Europe’, obtained funding under the European Defence Industrial Development programme call ‘Underwater control contributing to resilience at sea’. The main objective of the project was to achieve a European and sovereign capacity in future mine warfare and create a path for the next generation ‘made in Europe’ countermeasure solutions. In order to realise this objective, Miricle addressed various stages: studies, design, prototyping and testing. These stages inter alia included the successful testing of an XL Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, a protototyped mine disposal system and multiple innovative systems to detect buried mines. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), was one of the five Belgian partners in the consortium. Within the project, VLIZ was able to forward its research on the acoustic imaging of the seabed to spatially map and visualize buried structures and objects - in this case buried mines - in the highest possible detail. VLIZ also led the work on ‘Port and Offshore Testing’, building on the expertise of the institute in the field of marine operations and technology.