NCP Flanders
choose your programme
Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the main Research and Innovation Funding Programme of the European Commission.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the previous Funding Programme. There are no longer calls, but projects can run until 2024.

Digital Europe

Digital Europe is a Funding Programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and administrations.

Other EU Funding

There are many other relevant EU funding programmes, managed by several agencies and directorates.

Privacy Policy

NCP Flanders respects international and national legislation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, including the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


NCP Flanders is a cooperation between VLAIO and FWO. Here you can find the privacy policy of the FWO and VLAIO and all information relating to the processing of personal data by NCP Flanders.

For any request relating to the exercise of your rights as well as for other questions, comments or complaints you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the FWO or VLAIO:
- FWO: Egmontstraat 5, 1000 BRUSSELS; e-mail:
- VLAIO: Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12 1030 BRUSSELS; e-mail:

Specific information for our NCP Flanders services

This site has accounts for stakeholders from Flanders.

What information do we store?

For an account to be valid (and accepted), you need to provide your namee-mail, and organisation name. Additionally you can add your organisation's address information. Additionally, once you have an account, you can indicate the (sub)programmes you want to follow.

Why do we keep this information?

This information is used by the NCP Flanders team, solely for communications on Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020 and the other EU subsidy programmes we cover. Most of our communications are e-mail notifications.These notifications are sent on content (news, events) updates on the programmes you follow. Occasionally we send out extra newsletters.

Who has access to your information?

Access to the above mentioned information is strictly limited to the staff of NCP Flanders. Under no circumstances your information is sold (nor traded, exchanged, ...) to other organisations external to NCP Flanders (and it's founding partners VLAIO and FWO, where the NCP Flanders staff is employed).

Do we monitor the pages you browse?

We do not use Google Analytics (or similar) tools that invade your privacy (e.g. by following a user). So you can safefully visit our pages without having to fear that someone can track down exactly how long you spent on what page.

We do use Fathom Analytics (affiliated link), which is a privacy-first analytics tool that keeps track of which pages are visited, but it doesn't link it to user profiles. This way we know what sections are popular (and which ones need to be improved), without the need of profiling you(r behaviour).

Additional information

How do we protect your personal data?

We take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your data from misuse or loss.

For how long will we keep your personal data?

NCP Flanders will keep your personal data no longer than is necessary for the aforementioned purposes. We take all reasonable efforts to timely update or remove irrelevant, obsolete or incorrect personal data. 

Do we share your personal data with other parties?

For some services, we may engage third parties to process your personal data. We forward your data to those processors so as to enable them to provide the requested service. Such third parties may also collect personal data or other information on our behalf and in our name.

NCP Flanders will only pass on your personal data in the following cases:

  • when we engage a processor with whom we have concluded a processing agreement;
  • when we are authorised to share the data with another public authority under an authorisation or protocol;
  • when we are required to do so pursuant to instructions from a competent authority.

Are your personal data transferred outside the European Union?

In principle, we do not transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area or international organisations. Both our production server and our backup server are located in the EU.

If, in exceptional cases, we do transfer your data, we will take all appropriate measures to ensure that your data are protected in accordance with the provisions of the applicable European, federal and Flemish regulations.

Confidentiality and secrecy of personal data and other information

We are aware of the potentially sensitive nature of the information that you provide to us in good faith. NCP Flanders ensures that all personal data and other information provided to us will be treated in strict confidence and ensures its secrecy. We impose strict confidentiality as an absolute requirement on all parties with whom we work and will not share any information with third parties other than those described above, neither orally nor in writing, without your prior explicit consent.



image of BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

The Horizon2020 project BEAT-AF brings together 9 European renowned clinical centres in France, Belgium, Czechia, Germany and Austria. Together, the consortium strives to revolutionize Atrial Fibrillation (AF) treatment through catheter ablation and contribute to decrease the huge burden of AF in Europe. The BEAT-AF project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2026. The department of electrophysiology of the AZ Sint-Jan Hospital in Bruges is partner in the project and has so far contributed to the pre-clinical development, the first in man studies and first registries of the revolutionary AF treatment put forward by the consortium. The first pilot studies show that the treatment is safe, effective and efficient.