Partnership website:
The partnership will coordinate national, local and European research and innovation programmes, combining research funding and implementation of research supportive activities such as training, data access infrastructures, data standards etc.
The main goal is to improve the life of patients with rare diseases by developing diagnostics and treatments for rare diseases through multidisciplinary research and innovation programmes with all relevant stakeholders. This will increase impact and uptake of research results as well as increase the visibility of EU leadership in rare diseases research.
Commission services:
Partners (main contact):
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
The MareGraph project, ‘Towards an Interoperable Marine Knowledge Graph’, obtained funding under the Digital Europe topic ‘OPEN-AI – Public Sector Open Data for AI and Open Data Platform’. The project will increase the semantic, technical, and legal interoperability of three selected high-valued datasets (HVDs) all maintained by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), which is one of the four partners of the project. This will allow the onboarding of essential marine datasets in the Common European Data Spaces. As such MareGraph will provide a structural component in the digital transition of the marine landscape. The numerous impacts of the project will benefit our seas globally in old and new ways to come.