Cluster 6

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment

About this programme

Activities under Cluster 6 will help to accelerate the ecological transition required by the European Green Deal in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.  R&I activities will support the policy objectives of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030, the circular economy action plan, the EU industrial strategy, the bio-economy strategy, the EU forest strategy, the blue growth strategy, the chemicals strategy for sustainability and the EU plastics strategy, in addition to the EU Climate policy. Cluster 6 will also steer and accelerate the transition to sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems, to achieve effectively the objectives of the Farm to Fork Strategy.

These objectives are translated in seven destinations and impacts:

  1. Valuing and restoring BIODIVersity and ecosystem services
  2. FARM2FORK: Creating fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
  3. Unlocking the full potential of the CIRCular economy and BIOeconomy sectors
  4. Realizing a cleaner environment and ZERO POLLUTION:
  5. Assessing the impact of CLIMATE change on land, oceans and water
  6. Developing resilient, inclusive, healthy and green COMMUNITIES (rural, coastal and urban)
  7. Establishing innovative GOVERNANCE, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal


Areas of activity

  • Environmental observation
  • Agriculture, forestry and rural areas
  • Circular systems
  • Food systems
  • Biodiversity and natural resources
  • Seas, oceans and inland waters
  • Bio-based innovation systems in the EU Bioeconomy

As an integral part of Horizon Europe, a set of EU Missions aim to deliver solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing Europe. The mission on Ocean and Waters and the mission on Soils are two of the 5 official mission areas defined by the Commission highly related to Cluster 6.

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Your NCP contacts for this programme

Image of Fernanda Werneck

Fernanda Werneck

+32 2 550 15 65

Food, Agriculture
Image of Pascal Verheye

Pascal Verheye

+32 2 553 09 84

Image of Patrick De Molder

Patrick De Molder

+32 497 59 33 90

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image of Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

The Miricle project, ‘Mine Risk Clearance for Europe’, obtained funding under the European Defence Industrial Development programme call ‘Underwater control contributing to resilience at sea’. The main objective of the project was to achieve a European and sovereign capacity in future mine warfare and create a path for the next generation ‘made in Europe’ countermeasure solutions. In order to realise this objective, Miricle addressed various stages: studies, design, prototyping and testing. These stages inter alia included the successful testing of an XL Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, a protototyped mine disposal system and multiple innovative systems to detect buried mines. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), was one of the five Belgian partners in the consortium. Within the project, VLIZ was able to forward its research on the acoustic imaging of the seabed to spatially map and visualize buried structures and objects - in this case buried mines - in the highest possible detail. VLIZ also led the work on ‘Port and Offshore Testing’, building on the expertise of the institute in the field of marine operations and technology.