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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the main Research and Innovation Funding Programme of the European Commission.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the previous Funding Programme. There are no longer calls, but projects can run until 2024.

Digital Europe

Digital Europe is a Funding Programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and administrations.

Other EU Funding

There are many other relevant EU funding programmes, managed by several agencies and directorates.


Rescuing Biodiversity to Safeguard Life on Earth

Rescuing Biodiversity to Safeguard Life on Earth

Partnership website:

The objective of the initiative is to provide an overarching platform connecting national, local and European research and innovation programmes and combining in-cash and in-kind resources in support of one goal - by 2030 biodiversity in Europe is back on a path of recovery.

It co-develops multidisciplinary research and innovation programmes with stakeholders, setting up a European network of harmonised observatories for biodiversity monitoring, providing evidence base for nature-based solutions development and deployment, as well as implementing a broad range of activities to increase the relevance, impact and visibility of EU research and innovation in tackling the biodiversity crisis in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030

Draft partnership proposal (May 2020)



Partners: BiodivERsA / FRB - Claire Blery

Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Hilde Eggermont 

What are partnerships?

Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.

How to use partnerships?

  • orientation
    Partnerships publish strategic documents, e.g. outlining the main research and innovation challenges or key focus points.
  • networking
    Partnerships often organise events, such as info days, brokerage events, etc. Meet potential partners and learn about the nuances that are not visible in the official documents.
  • ecosystem analysis
    Partnerships typically have an advisory board, and publish impact studies of previous actions. These are good sources of information to uncover the main R&D&I players in the domain.
  • steering the agenda
    Partnerships collaborate with the EC on outlining the strategy and the future funding opportunities in their domain, based on input from industry, academia, and other stakeholders.


image of Micado - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Micado - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Atlas Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen is an autonomous agency and a non-profit organisation responsible for implementing the Flemish integration policy on behalf of and for the City of Antwerp. Atlas offers several types of services for newcomers and Antwerp’s public and non-profit organisations.

In 2018, under the leadership of HafenCity University Hamburg, Atlas participated in the H2020 call 'Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions'. The proposal 'MICADO - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards' was approved by the European Commission and the project started in January 2019 and runs until June 2022.