
Background stories of how others approached and experienced their European Horizon funding trajectory.

SAPHIRe - Securing the Adoption of Personalised Medicin in Regions

image of SAPHIRe - Securing the Adoption of Personalised Medicin in Regions

Published on | 3 years ago

Programmes Health

The Department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish government coordinates the Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action SAPHIRe, which started on 1 December 2018. The aim of the project is to secure the adoption of personalised medicine in all European regions, including sparsely populated and remote regions and regions with different innovation capacities. 

The activities of SAPHIRe are complementary to the smart specialisation partnership on personalised medicine – S3P4PM, which is also coordinated by the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation.


Read the full article for details 
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