Partner searches

The partner searches below are requests that NCP Flanders received from stakeholders abroad. They have not been widely published and should not be further spread. These partner search requests are published as received, NCP Flanders does not vouch for the quality of these requests.
If you are a stakeholder based in Flanders and would like to launch a partner search request please contact the NCP advisor responsible for your domain.

The partner searches received by NCP Flanders from stakeholders from abroad are only visible for registered website users.

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If you are a stakeholder from abroad and would like to launch a partner search request towards Flemish stakeholders please contact the NCP Flanders advisor responsible for the domain you are interested in.


image of Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

ChemStream is an innovative chemical R&D company, specialized in translating material problems in sustainable formulations with focus on nano-dispersions, functional coatings and inkjet inks. Within LORCENIS they will develop super absorbing polymers (SAPs) to be mixed within the concrete matrices for improving the active internal curing, self-healing and self-sealing properties of the concrete. Grindig SAPs.

ChemStream bvba and Ghent University are involved in Horizon 2020-project for developing long lasting reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures.