Partner searches

The partner searches below are requests that NCP Flanders received from stakeholders abroad. They have not been widely published and should not be further spread. These partner search requests are published as received, NCP Flanders does not vouch for the quality of these requests.
If you are a stakeholder based in Flanders and would like to launch a partner search request please contact the NCP advisor responsible for your domain.

The partner searches received by NCP Flanders from stakeholders from abroad are only visible for registered website users.

If you have already an account, you’ll need to login first.

Stakeholder from Flanders but no account? Create your account today!

If you are a stakeholder from abroad and would like to launch a partner search request towards Flemish stakeholders please contact the NCP Flanders advisor responsible for the domain you are interested in.


image of BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

The Horizon2020 project BEAT-AF brings together 9 European renowned clinical centres in France, Belgium, Czechia, Germany and Austria. Together, the consortium strives to revolutionize Atrial Fibrillation (AF) treatment through catheter ablation and contribute to decrease the huge burden of AF in Europe. The BEAT-AF project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2026. The department of electrophysiology of the AZ Sint-Jan Hospital in Bruges is partner in the project and has so far contributed to the pre-clinical development, the first in man studies and first registries of the revolutionary AF treatment put forward by the consortium. The first pilot studies show that the treatment is safe, effective and efficient.