Background stories of how others approached and experienced their European Horizon funding trajectory.
Published on | 3 years ago
Programmes ERCProfessor Lieven Eeckhout’s main research interests include computer architecture and the hardware/software interface with a specific emphasis on performance evaluation and modeling, and dynamic resource management.
Professor Eeckhout is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting grant, Advanced grant and three Proof of Concept grants. Two of his former PhD students founded in 2013 CoScale, a spin-off in data center monitoring, which was acquired by New Relic.
Read the full article for detailsThe YoPA project, ‘a youth-centred preventive action approach towards co-created implementation of socially and physically activating environmental interventions’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project addresses the multifaceted challenges of physical inactivity and health inequalities through a unique participatory approach. The project places teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in vulnerable situations at the forefront of the intervention process. The Institute of Tropical Medicine is a partner in the project and will conduct a Realist Evaluation to understand how youth co-creation contributes to improved adolescent health and well-being in four cities in Denmark, Netherlands, Nigeria and South Africa. By integrating its results and sharing its approach in an open access Toolbox, ITM aims to contribute to fostering sustainable, youth-led solutions for healthier urban environments.