Specific Objective 5

Deployment: accelerating best use of technologies

About this programme

About the programme

The roll-out and best use of digital capacities focuses on priority areas such as the Green Deal, support to SMEs and public authorities in their digital transformation and will also provide resources to those activities started in previous programmes, for which the continuations of funding is essential not to disrupt the services provided.

Areas of activities include:

  • The deployment and enhancement of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) set up in the context of CEF Telecommunications Programme (2014-2020), deployment of use cases as well as a regulatory sandbox for Blockchain standardisation.
  • The deployment of public services, including the digitalisation of governments and public administrations, focusing on preparing a European Identity and Trust Ecosystem, leveraging public procurement for digitalisation and innovation, enhancing the interoperability of public services, and the digital transformation of justice.
  • Confidence in digital transformation, including initiatives to make the internet a safer environment for children, addressing disinformation in the media, and accelerating energy transition.
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Marie Timmermann


+32 2 550 15 59

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image of EURHISFIRM - Long-term data for Europe

EURHISFIRM - Long-term data for Europe

EURHISFIRM designs a world-class research infrastructure (RI) to connect, collect, collate, align, and share detailed, reliable, and standardized long-term financial, governance, and geographical data on European companies. EURHISFIRM enables researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and evaluate effective strategies to promote investment, economic growth and job creation. The RI provides the tools for long-term analysis highlighting the dynamics of the past and the way those dynamics structure our present and future.

The EURHISFIRM European project received € 3.4 million in financing from the European Commission through the H2020-INFRADEV-2017-1 research infrastructures call. The project started with a consortium of eleven research organisations (including University of Antwerp) from seven European countries.