
canSERV : Open call for Transnational Services - Cascade funding

Published on | 5 months ago

Programmes RI Health Missions

Cancer researchers are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative budget of EUR 1.000.000. The Call is planned to remain open until 28 November 2024, 2pm CET.

Applicant's research projects can vary from basic discovery science to translational science and translation into personalised oncology.

If granted, applicants will benefit from free of charge access to canSERV service(s) (equipment, expertise, resources). This includes transnational services comprising the following fields: disease models, advanced cutting-edge imaging and structural biology technologies, biomarkers research and development, novel therapeutics developments, complex clinical trial design and support, personalised oncology implementation pipelines and recommendations, and regulatory support and tools to analyse the socioeconomic dimension of research activities. A detailed service list is available in the canSERV Service Catalogue.

Interested in applying for services to accelerate your cancer research? Find out more here.

Background: The EU funded project canSERV (Horizon Europe), aims to make cutting-edge and customised research services available to the cancer research community EU wide, enable innovative R&D projects and foster precision medicine for patients' benefits across Europe. The project envisages to establish an open and sustainable collaborative network of research infrastructures (RIs) in oncology that offers world-class services to researchers, universities, institutes, high-profile SMEs, and European research consortia.

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image of RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

The RUSTICA project obtained funding under Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic ‘Closing nutrient cycles’.  RUSTICA focuses on demonstration and implementation of circular bio-based nutrient valorisation chains, focusing on waste from the fruit and vegetable agro-food system. The project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2024. It will use a strong multi-actor approach to co-create both socio-economic and technological knowledge in four case study regions in Europe and one in Colombia. The Flanders-based company DRANCO is one of the project partners and acts as technical project manager for the entire project. DRANCO participates in the project to develop its own technologies, to network and to help make the transition to a more circular based economy.