The overall objective of the Research Infrasctructure Programme is to empower the European Union through world-class and accessible Research and Technology Infrastructures.
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The overall objective of Research Infrasctructure Programme is to empower the European Union through world-class and accessible Research and Technology Infrastructures. These research infrastructures are important and crucial for enabling research and innovation and for stimulating multidisciplinary and data-intensive science.
The RI work programme under Horizon Europe will help to address the global environmental, social and economic challenges, in line with the renewed ERA, which requires an explicit contribution of research and technology infrastructures into Europe’s wider policy objectives, thus maximizing the contribution of science and technology to the needs of the society and increasing Europe’s competitiveness. In this regard, the European RIs will also contribute to the objectives of Horizon Europe clusters, missions and partnerships in Pillar II as well as to support its innovation part.
RI Health Culture and society Security
The Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures NCP network (RICH) database on transnational and virtual access to research infrastructures contains all ongoing Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that open their research infrastructures to transnational/virtual researchers/users. These are the projects funded under the Integrating Activities par... read more
MSCA RI Health Culture and society
Interested in strengthening your skills to develop a strong project proposal in the framework of the Horizon Europe programme? Mark the following events, co-organised by NCP Flanders, in your agenda: - Learn more about how to plan for impact in your project proposal during the ‘Impact in Horizon Europe’ training session on 15 October 20... read more
Partnerships unite the EC and private and/or public partners to work together in a specific domain. They offer often a good ecosystem to find collaborations.
Infosheets contain edited content on aspects related to this programme. They are reviewed at least yearly.
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Circusol is an Innovation Action project funded under a cross-cutting work programme part of Horizon 2020. Circusol aims at unleashing the full potential of circular business models, in particular Product-Service Systems, in simultaneously delivering real environmental, economic and user benefits. By that, Circusol aims to establish solar power as a spearhead sector in demonstrating a path driven by service-based businesses towards a circular economy in Europe.
A strong Flemish partnership in new Horizon 2020 project on circular economy business demonstrators, including VITO (Coordinator), IMEC, Ecopower cvba, Futech bvba, PV Cycle aisbl and Daidalos Peutz bvba.