Published on | 2 years ago
Programmes Digital, Industry & SpaceCascade funding, also known as Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP), is a mechanism where on behalf of the European Commission funding is given to assist organisations in the uptake or development of innovation, often limited to a quite narrow niche. It is a entry-level funding scheme which is aims at and is beneficial for startups, scale-ups, SMEs and/or mid-caps.
The full overview of the 23 open calls (at the moment of writing) can be found on on the Funding & Tenders Portal, in this article we'll focus on the call topics that are related to Digital topics.
Research Data Alliance (RDA) / European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN)
EHDEN’s mission is to reduce the time needed to provide answers in real world, health research. It will achieve this by developing the required infrastructure in a federated network at scale across Europe, collaboration on research methodologies, and education in an open science collaboration.
Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE) are a short-term (3 months) internship projects between two different entities from two different Countries: one Academic/Industrial partner who act as Sending Organization and one Academic/Industrial partner who act as Host Organization.
Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE) comprise a novel type of experiments allowing smaller projects, or less mature ideas to be presented, tested and thus potentially find the fertile ground to grow and reveal its product potentials.
DIH-World aims to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors by supporting them in building sustainable competitive advantages and reaching global markets. To achieve this objective, the DIH-World project consortium is launching its second open calls to select and support up to 20 SME-driven experiments.
MIND4MACHINES targets digitalisation of the manufacturing industry. It will fund the development, testing, validation, and market uptake of Industry 4.0 solutions of technology provider SMEs and startups.
Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE)
Be awarded up to €500,000-worth of cloud infrastructure, platform and software services and drive improved agility and outcomes for your research project!
Ontochain will provide funding to internet innovators for developing Blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that address the challenge of secure and transparent knowledge management as well as service interoperability on the Internet.
InterConnect is looking for Bottom-up projects that will develop and test novel Interoperable applications or services for smart homes and grids, with a clear societal and economic value, on top of the InterConnect’s Interoperability Framework.
AI Regio
AI REGIO will build a one-stop-shop platform that enables access to resources for AI-based solutions in efficient and sustainable manufacturing, with particular emphasis on resources that can lower the AI adoption barriers for SMEs.
PULSATE is the new PAN-European Network designed to boost the adoption of Laser-based Advanced and Additive Manufacturing (LBAAM) technology that will empower the European Manufacturing industry digitalization.
NGI Assure
Assure support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes.
NGI Zero Entrust
Among others this project is looking to deliver architectures, protocols and services to ensure that end-users can exert their rights (e.g. under the GDPR) and benefit from decentralised technological solutions that ensure that they are fully in control of their personal data on the Internet.
Platform-enabled KITs of arTificial intelligence FOR an easy uptake by SMEs. Open call for demonstrating an AI solution in a relevant manufacturing environment.
Automated Planning and Scheduling is a central research area in AI, concerned with reasoning on a predictive model of a system to identify a course of actions that achieves a desired goa
Relaunching European smart and SustainablE Tourism models Through digitalization and INnovative technoloGies
Data Spaces for effective and trusted data sharing. A collaborative initiative boosting the development of innovative services around new data value chains in multiple sectors.
Create and Harvest Offerings to support Manufacturing SMEs to become Digital Twin Champions
Validate the IoT-NGIN components/technology by EU based SMEs active in IoT applications’ development.
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
Culture and society Agro-Food, Environment Missions
The TIDAL ArtS project is funded under the Mission for clean oceans and inland waters and combines the power of art and science to inspire action for our ocean and waters. In april they will publish a Lighthouse call for proposals of up to 15.000 euro per artistic work. The aim of the project is notably to create public art and raise awareness on... read more
EURHISFIRM designs a world-class research infrastructure (RI) to connect, collect, collate, align, and share detailed, reliable, and standardized long-term financial, governance, and geographical data on European companies. EURHISFIRM enables researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and evaluate effective strategies to promote investment, economic growth and job creation. The RI provides the tools for long-term analysis highlighting the dynamics of the past and the way those dynamics structure our present and future.
The EURHISFIRM European project received € 3.4 million in financing from the European Commission through the H2020-INFRADEV-2017-1 research infrastructures call. The project started with a consortium of eleven research organisations (including University of Antwerp) from seven European countries.