The DIRS aims at developing and consolidating a Belgian Defence Technological and Industrial Base that:
In order to sustainably strengthen the Belgian DTIB, the following principles will be applied: inform stakeholders, facilitate and support the partnership between the government, companies, knowledge and educational institutions and research centres, optimal management to create value chains as well as protecting and anchoring the economic and social potential in the form of knowledge, technology and employment.
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Security Digital, Industry & Space Digital Europe Cybersecurity
If you are a Company, Research and Technology Organization or Higher Education Institution that is, currently or potentially in the furure, part of the technological and industrial fabric to supply defence and (public) security actors with necessary goods, services and technologies, either directly or indirectly through being part of the value/supp... read more
Security Digital, Industry & Space Digital Europe Cybersecurity Defence
Security AI, data & cloud Cybersecurity Defence EDF
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EURHISFIRM designs a world-class research infrastructure (RI) to connect, collect, collate, align, and share detailed, reliable, and standardized long-term financial, governance, and geographical data on European companies. EURHISFIRM enables researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and evaluate effective strategies to promote investment, economic growth and job creation. The RI provides the tools for long-term analysis highlighting the dynamics of the past and the way those dynamics structure our present and future.
The EURHISFIRM European project received € 3.4 million in financing from the European Commission through the H2020-INFRADEV-2017-1 research infrastructures call. The project started with a consortium of eleven research organisations (including University of Antwerp) from seven European countries.