
Communication on EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing Initiative out now

Published on | 11 months ago

Programmes Health Agro-Food, Environment EIC EIE EIT

A newly published Commission communication outlines the EU's commitment to boost Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU for a sustainable & competitive future and emphasizes their vital role to address global challenges. The document summarises the current challenges and barriers for biotechnology and biomanufacturing and proposes actions to address these challenges in a timely manner. The paper makes the case for a more coordinated approach for biotechnology and biomanufacturing policies and explores ways to foster engagement and collaboration, including through international cooperation.

The document touches upon the importance of the Biotech and Biomanufacturing Initiative in Healthcare, Food Security, Sustainable Forestry and Global Marine Challenges and stresses the aligment with the goals of the European Green Deal and European Health Union. It sets out measures in the regulatory, industrial, economic and social dimensions, including significant investment in infrastructure and know-how and ensuring that it can reap the benefits of the EU single market.


For more details, read the Commission press release and the full communication

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