Published on | 3 months ago
Programmes MSCA MSCAThe European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission is conducting a survey to gather (anonymous) feedback on the added value of MSCA PhDs, in comparison to other doctoral programmes.
The survey is addressed to principal investigators/supervisors as well as PhD researchers (PhD completed or ongoing) involved in MSCA and non-MSCA funded projects.
This feedback is highly valuable as it will help to improve the MSCA Doctoral Networks programme, which is managed by the REA. It will also feed into the European Commission’s wider policy reflections for the forthcoming period: promoting excellence in doctoral education and training is relevant to their strategic objectives for both the European Research Area (ERA) and the European Education Area (EEA), and contributes to the implementation of the European Strategy for Universities (here and here) .
The survey can be accessed here and the Data Protection Notice here. Please note that it may take up to 1-2 minutes for the survey to load completely. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until 10 November 2024.
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Culture and society Agro-Food, Environment Missions
The TIDAL ArtS project is funded under the Mission for clean oceans and inland waters and combines the power of art and science to inspire action for our ocean and waters. In april they will publish a Lighthouse call for proposals of up to 15.000 euro per artistic work. The aim of the project is notably to create public art and raise awareness on... read more
The Stargate project obtained funding under the special Green Deal call of Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic of “green ports and airports”. It received the maximum score of the evaluators and was selected out of more than 40 projects. Stargate’s purpose is to prove that sustainable aviation is possible and happening. It focuses on the further decarbonization of the aviation industry, the improvement of local environmental quality and the stimulation of the modal split. Together with a consortium of 21 European partners with a diverse and rich expertise (airports, community partners, knowledge institutions, consultants, local governments, …), Brussels Airports takes the lead as lighthouse airport to develop and implement innovative solutions. Results that prove successful can be deployed at the fellow airports (Toulouse, Budapest, Athens). Over the course of the coming five years, the consortium will exchange knowledge to investigate and realize more than 30 concrete projects.