
SPACE4Cities €2.8M Call for Tenders Open Now

Published on | 1 month ago

Programmes Digital, Industry & Space


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District09 has currently a large satellite data-related tender outstanding, on behalf of the EUSPA-funded SPACE4Cities consortium.

The Call for Tenders for SPACE4Cities was launched on 15 January 2025 and it will stay open until 9 April 2025. The tender forms, documents and other resources are now available. 

You can also check the LinkedIn post about available financing. This involves 2.87M€ million in R&D funding and they will select twenty different European companies or consortia focused on unlocking satellite data and services for better urban planning.

Tendering Info Webinars 

The Info Webinar Series on SPACE4Cities 2.87M€ Call for Tenders focuses on providing information on the Pre-Commercial Procurement and tender submission process. You can participate in one or more webinars via the links below:


Attached is the press release.

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