NCP Flanders
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the main Research and Innovation Funding Programme of the European Commission.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the previous Funding Programme. There are no longer calls, but projects can run until 2024.

Digital Europe

Digital Europe is a Funding Programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and administrations.

Other EU Funding

There are many other relevant EU funding programmes, managed by several agencies and directorates.

European Research Council (ERC)

The European Research Council (ERC) awards grants, through a challenging European competition, for excellent scientific research across all fields, initiated/driven by investigators. It thus supports  ‘bottom-up’ research without predetermined priorities of a ground-breaking nature.

Your NCP contact for this programme

Image of Margot Beereboom

Margot Beereboom

+32 2 550 15 76

About this programme

The European Research Council (ERC) awards grants, through a challenging European competition, for excellent scientific research across all fields, initiated/driven by investigators. It thus supports  ‘bottom-up’ research without predetermined priorities of a ground-breaking nature.

There are three types of grants which each support another phase in a researcher’s career, going from two years after the award of the PhD to an established research leader (Starting, Consolidator and Advanced grants). The Synergy grants address ambitious research problems with a group of two to four Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams. The Proof of Concept grant is short-term complementary funding for recipients of the previous four main types of grants.

The 2024 work programme includes a call for each main frontier research grant, i.e. Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grant plus a call for complementary funding for ERC Principal Investigators, i.e. Proof of Concept Grant with two submission deadlines and a prize contest for the Public Engagement with Research award.

The 2025 work programme includes a call for each main frontier research grant, i.e. StartingConsolidatorAdvanced and Synergy Grant, plus a call for complementary funding for ERC Principal Investigators, i.e. the Proof of Concept Grant with two submission deadlines. The work programme contains also several other actions including public procurement, e.g. support to programme monitoring and evaluation, support to the Europe PMC initiative and assessment of the scientific impact of ERC-funded research.

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Work Programme & Calls

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image of Autoship - a new and durable way of freight transport

Autoship - a new and durable way of freight transport

Autoship is, as the name suggests, an acronym for autonomous ship. Just like with self-driving cars, the possibilities of an unmanned boat seem endless. It can create more efficient freight transport, around the clock deliveries and these are just a few of the examples. The project has two societal challenges.

At first, De Vlaamse Waterweg was a bit hesitant as their experience with FP7 or Horizon 2020 projects was limited and they had not been very successful up until then. The fact that they were already doing basic research on the topic of autonomous boats, and the administrative help of NCP FLanders helped De Vlaamse waterweg to cross the line and get involved.