About this programme

COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology – is the European intergovernmental framework for the coordination of national or regional funded research.

COST plays an important role in the development of the European research area. COST's mission is to strengthen Europe in scientific and technological research through the support of European cooperation and interaction between European researchers.

COST offers financing for the coordination of pan-European research networks (COST actions). The actual research is financed via other (national or regional) channels.

The main features of COST are:

  • bottom-up approach: European researchers determine themselves the idea and topic of a COST action;
  • inclusiveness and equal access: participation is open to all COST member states;
  • flexible structure: simple implementation and management of networking initiatives;
  • commitment to participate in capacity building by linking up high quality scientific networks across Europe and worldwide;
  • particular attention to offering networking opportunities to young researchers;
  • increasing the impact of research on policy makers, regulatory authorities and national policy makers as well as the private sector.

COST is financed with specific budget lines from the EU Framework Programmes. At present, COST supports some 300 ongoing actions and reaches out to more than 30,000 researchers across Europe. 

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Man Hei To


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image of ERC grants awarded to professor Inez Germeys

ERC grants awarded to professor Inez Germeys

Professor Inez Germeys leads the Center for Contextual Psychiatry at KU Leuven, which is a large multi-disciplinary research group focusing on the interaction between the person and the environment in the development of psychopathology. She has received a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant (INTERACT) and Proof of Concept grant (IMPACT). With these grants professor Germeys and her team researched a new mobile self-management therapy for patients with a psychotic disorder. The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) was further developed for the clinical environment. In line with that the Horizon 2020 IMMERSE project aims to thoroughly evaluate strategies, processes, and outcomes of implementing a digital mobile mental health solution.