Should you consider Horizon Europe funding? Check out the information below to start finding out!
This video series (including hand-outs of the different presentations) will guide you through most aspects of Horizon Europe and provide you with a brief introduction of this programme. They address the following subjects:
Feel free to contact us if you need more information or assistance, we are here to help!
If you are a staff member of a university, university college or research organisation… Most of these organisations located in Flanders, have installed a European Funding Support Office which is your first contact point.
Horizon Europe stimulates SME participation across the whole programme, with a particular focus on close-to-market support.
Read all about it in this dedicated page for companies or watch the video series for companies (including hand-outs of the presentations) we have developed to guide you through the different opportunities within Horizon Europe.
The Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Action (MSCA) European Innovative Training Network “PBNv2 - Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles” started in May 2017. Their research has the shared objective of investigating the possibilities to decrease pass-by noise of vehicles.
The project is a collaboration between 17 research institutions and companies in the European automotive R&D and provides a learning environment for 14 PhD fellows. The Belgian partner is the Noise and Vibration Research Group of KU Leuven, and this project is one of the many Horizon 2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks that the KU Leuven research group participates in.