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Horizon Europe
Should you consider Horizon Europe funding? Check out the information below to start finding out!

Horizon Europe for beginners

This video series (including hand-outs of the different presentations) will guide you through most aspects of Horizon Europe and provide you with a brief introduction of this programme. They address the following subjects:

  • an overview of the Horizon Europe structure, budget distribution & characteristics
  • information on some cross-cutting aspects (incl. gender, open science etc.)
  • the funding rationale and overview of submission until grant signature stage
  • how to find call topics & interpreting call topics
  • three main evaluation criteria for proposals and the evaluation process
  • tips for preparing proposals
  • NCP and related services such as Enterprise Europe Network

Feel free to contact us if you need more information or assistance, we are here to help!



image of Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

ChemStream is an innovative chemical R&D company, specialized in translating material problems in sustainable formulations with focus on nano-dispersions, functional coatings and inkjet inks. Within LORCENIS they will develop super absorbing polymers (SAPs) to be mixed within the concrete matrices for improving the active internal curing, self-healing and self-sealing properties of the concrete. Grindig SAPs.

ChemStream bvba and Ghent University are involved in Horizon 2020-project for developing long lasting reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures.