Application process
A step by step guidance on how to get started with your Horizon Europe or Digital Europe application

Application process

The NCP Flanders Horizon Europe introduction page and Digital Europe introduction page provide a first overview of the respective programmes.

The Online manual provides all practical details on the submission process of proposals on the Funding and Tender portal, how to apply for funding, what will happen after the call deadline and offers guidance for the post-grant signature/project management phase.

The application to a Horizon Europe or Digital Europe call implies four major steps.

1/ Find a suitable call for proposal

The Funding and Tender portal hosts call topics of all EU funding programmes. By choosing Digital Europe you will be directed to all calls within this specific programme. By choosing Horizon Europe you will be directed to all calls within this specific programme.



image of ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

The Horizon2020 twinning project ScreenME has as its objective to enhance excellence in screen media entrepreneurship at Tallinn University (TLU). To do so, ScreenME has established a network of universities across Europe that aim to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry. ScreenME will develop a teaching course and will kick off research initiatives and projects on entrepreneurial activities in media organisations. The research group on ‘Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology (SMIT)’ of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is partner in the network and is involved in two cross-cutting activities of the project: support for early stage researchers and developing stakeholder involvement.