There exist several tools and organisations that can help you to find the right partners for your Horizon Europe or Digital Europe project.

NCP Flanders Partner Search Service & Your NCP

NCP Flanders provides an overview of partner search requests received from stakeholders abroad. You can access this service here. The partner searches listed on this page have not been widely published and should not be further spread. These partner search requests are published as received, NCP Flanders does not vouch for the quality of these requests.

NCP Flanders has for each domain in Horizon Europe and for Digital Europe a dedicated advisor that is familiar with the ecosystem. If you are a stakeholder based in Flanders and would like to launch a partner search request please contact the NCP advisor responsible for your domain.

Funding & Tenders Portal

Also the Funding and Tenders portal has a partner search section. This is rather closely connected to the different call topics, and the list is often more crowded with consultants than opportunity seekers. But you surely can find some potential cooperation gems...

You can as well launch a search through the results platform of the F&T portal. It is not clear at the moment how connected both services are, so it's not a bad idea to check both!




image of YoPA – Youth-centered participatory action for a healthy lifestyle

YoPA – Youth-centered participatory action for a healthy lifestyle

The YoPA project, ‘a youth-centred preventive action approach towards co-created implementation of socially and physically activating environmental interventions’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project addresses the multifaceted challenges of physical inactivity and health inequalities through a unique participatory approach. The project places teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in vulnerable situations at the forefront of the intervention process. The Institute of Tropical Medicine is a partner in the project and will conduct a Realist Evaluation to understand how youth co-creation contributes to improved adolescent health and well-being in four cities in Denmark, Netherlands, Nigeria and South Africa.  By integrating its results and sharing its approach in an open access Toolbox, ITM aims to contribute to fostering sustainable, youth-led solutions for healthier urban environments.