
New clinical trial map launched in the EU

Published on | 1 week ago

Programmes Health

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has made available a new clinical trial map, which is now accessible from the public website of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS). The map is designed to provide patients and healthcare professionals with easy access to comprehensive, real-time information about clinical trials conducted in their area, increasing access to clinical research in the European Union. Users can look for ongoing trials by geographic area and medical condition. The first version of the map is provided in English. Additional EU languages will be added in the future.

A recording with a demonstration on how to use all the features is available on the EMA website. More information here.

Background: The creation of the map is an action of the Accelerating Clinical Trials in the European Union (ACT EU) initiative workplan for 2025-2026. CTIS includes a public searchable database for healthcare professionals, patients and citizens to deliver the high level of transparency foreseen by the Clinical Trials Regulation. The authorisation and oversight of clinical trials is the responsibility of EU/EEA Member States while EMA is responsible for maintaining CTIS. The European Commission oversees the implementation of the Clinical Trials Regulation.

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