
Evaluation results – ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2024 call – 1st cut-off deadline 14 March 2024

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Principal Investigators with a main European Research Council grant that is ongoing or ended after 1 January 2023 are eligible to participate in an ERC 2024 Proof of Concept Grant. The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to PIs whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. For the 2024 Proof of Concept call (1st cut-off deadline 14 March 2024) in total 100 ERC Proof of Concept Grants were awarded, of which five to researchers based at a Flemish host institution. The ERCEA news article contains all funded projects including the 2000th awarded ERC Proof of Concept grant to the project DeepSpacePULSE (ICE-CSIC news article).

  • Rob Ameloot, KU Leuven, “MOFKADD - Metal-Organic-Framework Kinetic Array for Diabetes Detection” which builds on research funded by the 2021 Consolidator Grant “KISSIES”, and is the fifth ERC grant awarded to him.
  • Bart Lambrecht, VIB, “CRYSTAL-SHINE - A nanobody imaging tool to detect protein crystals and predict therapeutic response in asthmatics” which builds on research funded by the 2017 Advanced Grant “ASTHMACRYSTALCLEAR”, and is the third ERC grant awarded to him.
  • Isabelle Meyts, KU Leuven, “MODULATEDADA2 - Towards modulator therapy for ADA2 deficiency” which builds on research funded by the 2020 Starting Grant “MORE2ADA2
  • Bence Nanay, Universiteit Antwerpen, “CorTrINVI - Cortical Training to Improve Navigation for the Visually Impaired” which builds on research funded by the 2016 Consolidator Grant “STYDS
  • Edwin Reynders, KU Leuven, “SOPRANO - Sound insulation prediction and optimization software” which builds on research funded by the 2016 Starting Grant “VirBAcous

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image of BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

BEAT-AF - Ground-Breaking Electroporation-based intervention for Atrial Fibrillation treatment

The Horizon2020 project BEAT-AF brings together 9 European renowned clinical centres in France, Belgium, Czechia, Germany and Austria. Together, the consortium strives to revolutionize Atrial Fibrillation (AF) treatment through catheter ablation and contribute to decrease the huge burden of AF in Europe. The BEAT-AF project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2026. The department of electrophysiology of the AZ Sint-Jan Hospital in Bruges is partner in the project and has so far contributed to the pre-clinical development, the first in man studies and first registries of the revolutionary AF treatment put forward by the consortium. The first pilot studies show that the treatment is safe, effective and efficient.