Published on | 7 months ago
Programmes ERC ERCThis week the European Research Council (ERC) 2025 work programme has been published, including the provisional call calendar, after it was adopted by the European Commission. The work programme includes a call for each main frontier research grant, i.e. Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grant, plus a call for complementary funding for ERC Principal Investigators, i.e. the Proof of Concept Grant with two submission deadlines. The work programme contains also several other actions including public procurement, e.g. support to programme monitoring and evaluation, support to the Europe PMC initiative and assessment of the scientific impact of ERC-funded research. The main novelties compared to the previous (2024) work programme are:
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Culture and society Agro-Food, Environment Missions
The TIDAL ArtS project is funded under the Mission for clean oceans and inland waters and combines the power of art and science to inspire action for our ocean and waters. In april they will publish a Lighthouse call for proposals of up to 15.000 euro per artistic work. The aim of the project is notably to create public art and raise awareness on... read more
The UNCHAIN project, ‘urban logistics and planning: anticipating urban freight generation and demand including digitalisation of urban freight’ obtained funding from the Horizon Europe’s Mobility Cluster. The project focuses on breaking down data silos and promoting public-private data exchange across a unified European mobility data space, enabling more informed decisions and greater efficiency. The City of Mechelen is a partner in the project and takes on the role of ‘follower city’: it will work alongside the primary demonstration sites (in Madrid, Berlin and Florence) to maximize the geographical coverage and replicability of solutions across Europe. Mechelen aims to test 2 concrete solutions in the UNCHAIN project, with the aim to help addressing its current and future challenges in urban freight distribution.