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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the main Research and Innovation Funding Programme of the European Commission.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the previous Funding Programme. There are no longer calls, but projects can run until 2024.

Digital Europe

Digital Europe is a Funding Programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and administrations.

Other EU Funding

There are many other relevant EU funding programmes, managed by several agencies and directorates.

Specific Objective 1

High Performance Computing

DIGITAL aims to build up the EU’s supercomputing and data processing capacities, reaching extremely high computational power that are able to solve hugely complex and demanding problems.

Your NCP contact for this programme

Image of Marie Timmermann

Marie Timmermann

+32 2 550 15 59

About this programme

About the programme 

The DIGITAL Europe programme aims to build up and strengthen the EU’s supercomputing and data processing capacities. The objective is to reach post-exascale capabilities by 2026/2027. 

DIGITAL also intends to increase accessibility and broaden the use of supercomputing in areas of public interest such as health, environment, security, and industry, including small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Actions under Specific Objective 1 – High-Performance Computing are managed by the Euro HPC Joint Untertaking (EuroHPC JU). The EuroHPC JU has the mission to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union an integrated world class supercomputing and data infrastructure and to develop and support a highly competitive and innovative High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem, extreme scale, power-efficient and highly resilient HPC and data technologies. 

EuroHPC will aim to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure and interconnect it with the European data spaces and cloud ecosystem (see Specific Objective 2) for providing computing and data services to a wide range of public and private users in Europe. The work programme also foresees calls for the expression of interest for the acquisition and operation of the first exascale EuroHPC supercomputer and for the acquisition and deployment of mid -range EuroHPC supercomputers. Other actions will refer to the access to and allocation of EuroHPC computing resources and services. 

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image of GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant coordinated the Glaukos project, which answered the call topic published in 2019 of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme ‘Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products’ under the Framework of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). The consortium partners took up this challenge by valorising industrial side streams and setting up a circular approach to the textile industry.