
New calls launched for Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures

Published on | 9 months ago

Programmes Joint Research Center

The Joint Research Center (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, has launched new calls for the purposes of open access to its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and more in general to the public and private sector. More information on this initiative can be found here or in this JRC Brochure.

It concerns the following calls:

Nanobiotechnology Laboratory - Access Call (Deadline: 21 May 2024)

MONNET, Tandem accelerator based fast neutron source (EUFRAT) – Access Call (Deadline: 30 June 2024)

HADES, Underground laboratory for ultra-low level gamma-ray spectrometry (EUFRAT) – Access Call (Deadline: 30 June 2024)

GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT) – Access Call (Deadline 30 June 2024)

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image of ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

Professor Lieven Eeckhout’s main research interests include computer architecture and the hardware/software interface with a specific emphasis on performance evaluation and modeling, and dynamic resource management.

Professor Eeckhout is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting grant, Advanced grant and three Proof of Concept grants. Two of his former PhD students founded in 2013 CoScale, a spin-off in data center monitoring, which was acquired by New Relic.