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Proposal writing
If you are a staff member of a university, university college or research organisation… Know that your organisation probably has installed a European Funding Support Office which is your first contact point.

Contact info

AP Hogeschool Antwerpen - research@ap.be - 03/220 56 49

Arteveldehogeschool GentEU-research@arteveldehs.be - 09/234 91 68 or 09/234 91 16

Flanders MakeGer van den Kerkhof - 011/ 79 05 60

Hogeschool Gentonderzoek@hogent.be - 09/243 32 84

ILVOCathy Plasman - 09/272 25 31

IMEC - Anne.vandenbosch@imec.be - 016/281 682

INBO - evinbo@inbo.be - 0490/ 66 68 76

Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde - research@itg.be - 03/247 66 86

KU Leuven Idea>proposal - Eu-info@kuleuven.be - 016/320 944-446

KU Leuven Proposal>ProjectLrd.eu@kuleuven.be - 016/320 631-621

LUCA School of Arts - matthias.somers@luca-arts.be - 02/447 18 42

Odisee vzw - Willem vanden Berg - 09/267 27 14

UCLL - Research.expertise@ucll.be - 011/180 900

Universiteit Antwerpen - research@uantwerpen.be - 03/265 30 02

Universiteit Gent - EU-team@ugent.be - 09/264 3029

Universiteit Hasselt - Euresearch@uhasselt.be - 011/268050 - 9043

VIB - Lieve.ongena@vib.be - 09/244 66 11

VITO - EU-liaison@vito.be - 014/335 669

VIVES Hogeschool - Elke Denys - 056/28 06 29

Vrije Universiteit Brussel - elo@vub.be - 02/629 2210



image of Methylomic – Hope & Improved outcomes for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe

Methylomic – Hope & Improved outcomes for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe

The METHYLOMIC project, ‘targeting hope for personalised medicine in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project aims to personalise treatment allocation and enhance the effectiveness of medications for chronic immune-mediated diseases such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. BIRD, the Belgian inflammatory bowel disease research and development group, is a partner in the project and is involved in the OmiCrohn trial, a prospective randomised clinical trial for individualised therapy in Crohn’s disease patients. With BIRD’s active role in this trial, the project is set to deliver predictive, biomarker-based therapies that bring renewed hope for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe.