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Curious about the size of the impact of the Horizon Europe programme? Check out the numbers & figures.

Statistics from Flanders

Several editions of the Speurgids Ondernemen en Innoveren (Dutch) from EWI (Department of Economy, Science and Innovation) offer statistics on Flemish participation in the European programmes. The latest edition (2023) can be found here and includes separate chapters on Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe (Deel 5: Analyse van de Kaderprogramma’s Horizon 2020 en Horizon Europe) and on Digital Europe (Deel 6: Het Digital Europe Programma Vlaanderen).

The bi-annual Vlaams Indicatorenboek (Dutch) by the Interuniversity Centre for Research and Development Monitoring (ECOOM) provides numbers on Flemish participation in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The latest edition (2023) is available here & chapter 5 on the EU Framework Programmes of Research & Innovation can be consulted here.

Statistics from Europe

Horizon Dashboard provides data on proposals, projects and participants. There are several tutorials available on the EU Science and Innovation You Tube channel which explain how to make the best use of it

Horizon 2020 country profiles provide country level numbers on participation in Horizon 2020 . Currently, there are no country profiles available yet for Horizon Europe.

DIGITAL Dashboard displays data about Digital Europe grants, providing an interface with numerous filters allowing to personalise the information searched. 



image of Luciad - Geospatial software for mission-critical operations

Luciad - Geospatial software for mission-critical operations

Founded in 1999, Luciad serves clients in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Though it recently was acquired by Hexagon Geospatial, they kept an agile SME mindset. Thousands of end users work directly with Luciad’s geospatial applications, and major systems integrators (think Airbus Defense and Space, Lufthansa Systems, NATO, Thales…) incorporate its software in their own products.

NCP Flanders went to Leuven to interview Frederic Houbie, the Research Projects Manager at Luciad, about how he sees Horizon 2020. Luciad is a partner in the MARISA project, which is a collaborative RIA project submitted to an ICT call topic