
RDA TIGER cascade grant call for adoption grants

Published on | 1 week ago

Programmes RI

The aim of these cascading grants is to enhance the activities of RDA Working Groups through the adoption and further development of Working Group outputs. With a focus on outputs that lead to impact on the Open Science landscape, the cascading grants will ultimately contribute to the interoperability of Open Science solutions within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

The cascading grants call is open not just to RDA Working Groups seeking to facilitate the adoption of their outputs, but also to organisations outside the RDA (for instance, research institutes or private companies) who wish to adopt an RDA output or recommendation. Any entity eligible to receive Horizon Europe funding can apply, barring consortium members of the RDA TIGER project.

The total budget made available with this cascade grants call is €50,000 and it is expected to award between 3 and 5 grants with a funding range between €10,000 – €16,666, depending on applications received. 

The deadline for applications is 27 April 2025. The selected projects are expected to be launched in May 2025 and need to be concluded by the end of October 2025.

All information related to the call is available on this section of the RDA Alliance website.

The RDA TIGER project

RDA TIGER is an abbreviation of Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions. It is a two-year project funded under the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures work programme, more specifically the destination Enabling an operational, open and fair EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC).  

The project supports RDA Working Groups that concretely align, harmonise, and standardise Open Science developments and technologies globally. The services it provides will facilitate and support coherent and consistent working group definitions and increase the impact of the key European initiatives on the global level.

The project will directly contribute to the EOSC Partnership by supporting (via the Working Groups) the international engagement and alignment of policies, technologies, methodologies, practices and other outputs of EOSC-related and other European Open Science developments. More information about the RDA TIGER project can be found here.

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image of ERC grants awarded to professor Inez Germeys

ERC grants awarded to professor Inez Germeys

Professor Inez Germeys leads the Center for Contextual Psychiatry at KU Leuven, which is a large multi-disciplinary research group focusing on the interaction between the person and the environment in the development of psychopathology. She has received a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant (INTERACT) and Proof of Concept grant (IMPACT). With these grants professor Germeys and her team researched a new mobile self-management therapy for patients with a psychotic disorder. The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) was further developed for the clinical environment. In line with that the Horizon 2020 IMMERSE project aims to thoroughly evaluate strategies, processes, and outcomes of implementing a digital mobile mental health solution.