Partnership website:
Photonics (light based technologies) is an essential building block for the digital transformation and for a green and healthy future in Europe. The main objectives are to strengthen the photonics ecosystem along the value chain, support diffusion of photonics technologies and contributes to growth and jobs and raise competitiveness.
By 2030 Europe will have maintained leadership in core and emerging photonic technologies.
The European Technology Platform Photonics21 represents the photonics community of industry and research organisations. Jointly with the European Commission our members develop and implement a common photonics strategy in a Horizon Europe Public Private Partnership (PPP) to spur growth and jobs in Europe.
Partners: Photonics21:
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
The AgrifoodTEF, funded under the Digital Europe call for a Testing and Experimentation Facility for Agri-Food, is a network of world-class testing and experimentation facilities (TEFs) in the agri-food sector that supports testing state-of-the-art data, AI, and robotics solutions in real-world environments to accelerate their market introduction. ILVO, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Flemish node of the AgriFoodTEF supports the entire agri-food business, leveraging its infrastructures, experience and vast network established through participation in numerous Digital Europe and Horizon Europe initiatives.