Partnership website:
Formalised under the structure of an institutionalised public-private partnership which ensures that research activities of the aviation industry are aligned with the European Union’s policy priorities, the Clean Aviation JU's programme focuses on three main areas:
These three main areas of research and development are further discussed in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
The Clean Aviation JU has various operational objectives compared to 2020 state-of-the-art aircraft:
Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking builds on its predecessor, the Clean Sky 2 JU programme. The latter will continue to run until 2024. Clean Sky 2 JU will have delivered more than 140 demonstrators (of which 34 flagship demonstrators) contributing to the flagship demonstrators, and more than 1000 technologies by the end of the programme.
As an institutionalised partnership, the Clean Aviation JU does not publish the call for proposals in the regular Horizon Europe work programmes. Rather, Clean Aviation publishes their own work programmes.
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
The MareGraph project, ‘Towards an Interoperable Marine Knowledge Graph’, obtained funding under the Digital Europe topic ‘OPEN-AI – Public Sector Open Data for AI and Open Data Platform’. The project will increase the semantic, technical, and legal interoperability of three selected high-valued datasets (HVDs) all maintained by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), which is one of the four partners of the project. This will allow the onboarding of essential marine datasets in the Common European Data Spaces. As such MareGraph will provide a structural component in the digital transition of the marine landscape. The numerous impacts of the project will benefit our seas globally in old and new ways to come.