Partnership website:
As a co-programmed partnership, BATT4EU brings together the public sector (the European Commission) and the private sector (the European battery R&I stakeholders, BEPA) with the aim to achieve a competitive and sustainable European industrial value-chain for e-mobility and stationary applications.
BEPA already gathers a total of 137 members of which 54 are industrial players, 56 research organisations, 27 associations, and others.
Aside from some general objectives, the Batteries Partnership (BATT4EU) has various measurable, operational objectives:
Operational objectives:
Various BATT4EU labeled research topics in Horizon Europe aim to contribute to achieving these operational objectives. You can find these call topics in the regular Horizon Europe cluster 5 work programme, e.g.:
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-02: Non-Li Sustainable Batteries with European Supply Chains for Stationary Storage (Batt4EU Partnership).
The prioritization and drafting of future Horizon Europe call topics on batteries are restricted to members of BEPA.
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant coordinated the Glaukos project, which answered the call topic published in 2019 of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme ‘Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products’ under the Framework of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). The consortium partners took up this challenge by valorising industrial side streams and setting up a circular approach to the textile industry.