Partnership website:
The AI, Data and Robotics (ADR) partnership brings together industry, academia and the European Commission to
pursue innovative solutions on a large scale, pooling efforts, resources and investments to generate long-term positive impact, boost European competitiveness and technological sovereignty, as well as create jobs and growth.
The general objectives of the co-programmed European Partnership are:
The partnership will boost Europe’s competitiveness, societal well-being and environmental leadership, as leading
the world in researching, developing and deploying value-driven trustworthy AI, data and robotics based on European
fundamental rights, principles and values.
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
Circusol is an Innovation Action project funded under a cross-cutting work programme part of Horizon 2020. Circusol aims at unleashing the full potential of circular business models, in particular Product-Service Systems, in simultaneously delivering real environmental, economic and user benefits. By that, Circusol aims to establish solar power as a spearhead sector in demonstrating a path driven by service-based businesses towards a circular economy in Europe.
A strong Flemish partnership in new Horizon 2020 project on circular economy business demonstrators, including VITO (Coordinator), IMEC, Ecopower cvba, Futech bvba, PV Cycle aisbl and Daidalos Peutz bvba.