Partnership website:
This partnership will support sustainable agriculture in the EU as well as policy monitoring and implementation by using digital and data technologies in environmental observation.
The partnership will generate EU-wide data sets and information through combining geospatial and Earth observation datasets and employ data technologies to provide solutions to the agricultural sector allowing for more efficient, environmentally friendly, and profitable production and strengthen monitoring capacities across policy fields.
Final partnership proposal (March 2022)
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (March 2023)
Commission services: Franz Immler, Doris Marquardt
Partners: National Research Council of Italy - Nicola Pirrone,
Danish Agricultural Agency - Jesper Stendal Sorensen, University of Málaga - José F. Aldana-Montes
* Calls with opening dates in 2023-2024
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
The Project SeafoodTomorrow is a project that is approved within the call BG-08-2017: Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood.
The three-year SeafoodTomorrow project brings together 34 partners. From Flanders, ILVO takes part in the project.They are responsible for setting up two databases which are the central point of the project to gather all the project data from analysis and assessement. ILVO is also leader of the workpackage dealing with authenticity, traceability and labelling. ILVO is also involved a the workpackage about novel food preparation. And in the managerial part, ILVO is head of the IPC- Intellectual Property Comité.