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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the main Research and Innovation Funding Programme of the European Commission.

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Review of the MSCA lump sum and unit contributions - Final Report

Published on | 4 months ago

Programmes MSCA   MSCA  

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their careers with new knowledge and skills through five different actions: Doctoral Networks (DN), Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF), Staff Exchanges (SE), COFUND, and MSCA and Citizens. Costs under these actions are reimbursed on the basis of lump sum and unit contributions, the latter covering costs for recruited researchers, seconded staff members as well as institutional costs. The current rates were established in 2020 in the Decision of 11 March 2021 authorising the use of lump sum and unit contributions for MSCA under the Horizon Europe Programme.

The above-mentioned Decision requires the Commission to closely monitor the lump sum and unit contributions to ensure that they respect sound financial management and co-financing principles, do not contribute to double financing and remain sufficiently competitive and attractive to excellent researchers and institutions. Thus, the objective of this study is to carry out a mid-term review of the MSCA lump sum and unit contributions, and to recommend updated eligible researcher and institutional unit contributions for each Marie Skłodowska-Curie action. (from the abstract of the study)

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image of STARGATE - Sustainable Aviation

STARGATE - Sustainable Aviation

The Stargate project obtained funding under the special Green Deal call of Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic of “green ports and airports”.  It received the maximum score of the evaluators and was selected out of more than 40 projects. Stargate’s purpose is to prove that sustainable aviation is possible and happening. It focuses on the further decarbonization of the aviation industry, the improvement of local environmental quality and the stimulation of the modal split. Together with a consortium of 21 European partners with a diverse and rich expertise (airports, community partners, knowledge institutions, consultants, local governments, …), Brussels Airports takes the lead as lighthouse airport to develop and implement innovative solutions. Results that prove successful can be deployed at the fellow airports (Toulouse, Budapest, Athens). Over the course of the coming five years, the consortium will exchange knowledge to investigate and realize more than 30 concrete projects.