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Prizes in Horizon 2020 – an overview

Published on | 5 years ago

Programmes Horizon 2020 H2020 L+F
There are 2 types of prizes awareded by the European Commission: an inducement prize (IPr) also called Challenge Prize and a Recognition Prize (RPr). The IPr are meant to spur investment in a given direction, by specifying a target prior to the performance of the work. The RPr have the objective to raise public awareness about the subject. The document provides an overview and related links.

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image of ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

Professor Lieven Eeckhout’s main research interests include computer architecture and the hardware/software interface with a specific emphasis on performance evaluation and modeling, and dynamic resource management.

Professor Eeckhout is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting grant, Advanced grant and three Proof of Concept grants. Two of his former PhD students founded in 2013 CoScale, a spin-off in data center monitoring, which was acquired by New Relic.