
Horizon Europe Proposal Workshop - 3rd edition - Registration is now open!
09:00 - 15:30

This was 2 months ago



Herman Teirlinckgebouw (Vlaamse overheid)
Havenlaan 88,
1000 Brussels
Health Culture and society Digital, Industry & Space Climate, Energy, Mobility Agro-Food, Environment

After the success of the previous editions, the  Horizon Europe National Contact Points NCP Flanders, NCP Wallonie, NCP-FNRS & NCP Federal BE are organising a third 'Horizon Europe proposal workshop'.

You can register here. Participation is free but registration is mandatory. Please note that the number of places for this workshop is limited.  Registrants will be accepted on a first come first served basis. The organisers reserve the right to decline any registration. 

The agenda in brief:

  • Participants will discuss  simultaneously in smaller groups proposals of most of the Horizon Europe clusters (pillar 2), that have been evaluated by the European Commission in the past, guided by an experienced evaluator and NCPs of this field
  • The discussions will be followed by a networking lunch
  • After the lunch, a short presentation with tips & tricks for succesful proposal writing will be shared, followed by a Q&A with the expert evaluators & NCPs answering the participants' questions

Our target audience for this event is limited to researchers and staff members of federal institutions or organisations located in Flanders or Wallonia, willing to participate to the programme Horizon Europe as beneficiary. We warmly welcome less experiences stakeholders to participate.

Further detailed information will be shared on this webpage.  

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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders

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image of STARGATE - Sustainable Aviation

STARGATE - Sustainable Aviation

The Stargate project obtained funding under the special Green Deal call of Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic of “green ports and airports”.  It received the maximum score of the evaluators and was selected out of more than 40 projects. Stargate’s purpose is to prove that sustainable aviation is possible and happening. It focuses on the further decarbonization of the aviation industry, the improvement of local environmental quality and the stimulation of the modal split. Together with a consortium of 21 European partners with a diverse and rich expertise (airports, community partners, knowledge institutions, consultants, local governments, …), Brussels Airports takes the lead as lighthouse airport to develop and implement innovative solutions. Results that prove successful can be deployed at the fellow airports (Toulouse, Budapest, Athens). Over the course of the coming five years, the consortium will exchange knowledge to investigate and realize more than 30 concrete projects.