Starts in 3 weeks from now
ProgrammesThis information webinar on the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant call for proposals 2025 is organised by the National Contact Points (NCPs) for ERC in Belgium (NCP Federal BE, NCP Flanders and NCP-FNRS) to inform potential applicants and host institutions. It is also aimed at researchers who are considering applying in the future.
The ERC Advanced Grant Call 2025 opening indicative date is 22/05/2025 with a deadline on 28 August 2025. The 2025 ERC Advanced Grant call will be made available on the European Commission Funding and Tender Portal.
The call will be open to established research leaders of any nationality and from any field of research (bottom-up approach), with a recognized track-record of research achievements. There is no minimum or maximum age limit. The amount of the grant is up to € 2.5 million for 5 years (or up to €3.5 million in specific cases). This is a lump-sum call. Last year’s call was a pilot on the use of lump sum contribution and thus the following related resources could be useful for the time being: Q&A on lump sums and webinar on lump sums .
Participation to this webinar is free but restricted to researchers wishing to apply with a Belgian host institution, or staff members of Belgian host institutions. Registration is mandatory.
The registration form of the webinar, which is available also via this webpage.
Programme of the webinar
10.00 Welcome
10.05 Overview on the ERC Advanced Grant call
10.35 Questions & Answers
11.00 Perspectives from a grant holder including Questions & Answers
11.20 Perspectives from a panel member including Questions & Answers
11.45 End of the webinar
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
The Miricle project, ‘Mine Risk Clearance for Europe’, obtained funding under the European Defence Industrial Development programme call ‘Underwater control contributing to resilience at sea’. The main objective of the project was to achieve a European and sovereign capacity in future mine warfare and create a path for the next generation ‘made in Europe’ countermeasure solutions. In order to realise this objective, Miricle addressed various stages: studies, design, prototyping and testing. These stages inter alia included the successful testing of an XL Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, a protototyped mine disposal system and multiple innovative systems to detect buried mines. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), was one of the five Belgian partners in the consortium. Within the project, VLIZ was able to forward its research on the acoustic imaging of the seabed to spatially map and visualize buried structures and objects - in this case buried mines - in the highest possible detail. VLIZ also led the work on ‘Port and Offshore Testing’, building on the expertise of the institute in the field of marine operations and technology.