
IT update MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021 submission

Published on | 3 years ago

Programmes MSCA

Due to IT constraints in the budget calculation, all participants (beneficiaries and associated partners) must be encoded in SEP submission forms by clicking the button “Add partner”.

The distinction between “beneficiaries” and “associated partners” will be done at the Grant Agreement Preparation phase (GAP) for the proposals that will be retained for funding.

Legal entities located in Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) can be considered as associated partners during the GAP phase if a Letter of Commitment (LoC) was submitted in the proposal. These associated partners (MS/AC) must encode €0 costs in the budget table.   

Legal entities located in non-associated Third Countries will be automatically considered as associated partners and must submit a Letter of Commitment (LoC) in the proposal.

Low to middle-income third countries listed in the Horizon Europe Programme Guide are eligible to receive funding and can encode costs in the budget table.

Note: For the 2021 call, applicants must submit Part B of their proposal as two separate documents: Part B1 and Part B2 (the correct link will be available in the forthcoming days).

Source: Funding and Tender Portal


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image of ROOT - Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks

ROOT - Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks

The ROOT project obtained funding under Horizon 2020 topic ‘EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment’. The project, which ran from November 2020 to July 2022,  aimed to demonstrate the benefit of Galileo OSNMA signal to increase the robustness of critical telecom infrastructures.

The Flanders-based company Septentrio contributed substantially to completing this objective together with the other ROOT partners. The results of the project partially close a gap in the security of telecommunication networks dependent on satellite-derived time, with indirect benefits in curbing illegal attempts to disrupt network services.