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European Networks of Excellence in the field of AI

Published on | 10 months ago

Programmes Digital, Industry & Space   AI, data & cloud  

AI is an dynamic research field, with an extreme close linking between scientific research and business driven innovations. This means that there exist different ecosystems that  focus on specific aspects and application domains. Sometimes it can be difficult to find your way in this web.

The European Commission funds Centres of Excellence to unite in networks in order to group experience and foster sharing and cooperation. No matter whether you are at forefront of AI developments or just getting started (with a clear objective on where you want to arrive), you can use these ecosystems. It's the right time for a strong #AImadeinEU future.

The networks offer collaborative research opportunities, knowledge exchange, and funding support for companies and researchers. They provide access to valuable resources such as data, infrastructure, and networking opportunities, fostering innovation and accelerating the development and deployment of AI applications.

What to expect from a network

  • Collaborative Research: Networks of centres of excellence bring together multiple research institutions, academia, and industry partners to collaborate on AI-related projects. This collaboration enables companies and researchers to access a diverse range of expertise, resources, and knowledge, which promotes innovation and advances AI technologies.

  • Knowledge Exchange and Training: These networks facilitate the exchange of knowledge among various stakeholders, including researchers and industry professionals. Workshops, seminars, conferences, and training programmes are organised to keep companies and researchers updated on the latest advancements in AI, acquire new skills, and enhance their understanding of cutting-edge techniques and methodologies.

  • Funding and Support: Networks of excellence often provide financial support in the form of grants, fellowships, or funding opportunities for companies and researchers involved in AI projects. These resources help to support research activities, facilitate the development of prototypes or proof-of-concept models, and drive efforts towards commercialisation.

  • Access to Data and Infrastructure: Joining these networks can grant access to extensive datasets, high-performance computing infrastructure, and AI-specific tools and platforms. This access allows companies and researchers to work with large-scale data, conduct complex analyses, and experiment with AI algorithms, ultimately accelerating the development and deployment of AI applications.

  • Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: Being part of a network of excellence provides valuable networking opportunities for companies and researchers. Collaborating with other institutions, industry partners, and experts in the field opens doors for potential partnerships, joint ventures, and avenues for commercialisation. It also fosters a supportive ecosystem where ideas can be shared, validated, and refined.

Please note that the specific details and benefits of networks of centres of excellence in the field of AI may vary depending on the organisation, country, or region. It is recommended to refer to the mentioned website or other authoritative sources for the most up-to-date and accurate information on this topic. Whichs brings us to...

Which networks are there?

As you will discover, there is sometimes overlap in the goals and coverage of some of the networks. Don't be scared to contact multiple of them to find which one covers your needs best.

  • TAILOR: scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI 
  • ELISE: broad scope, focus on striving to explainable and trustworthy AI
  • HUMANE AI: trustworthy, ethical AI, that empowers citizens and society to deal with the challenges of an interconnected globalized world.
  • AI4Media: next generation AI at the service of Media, Society and Democracy.
  • ELSA: foundational safe and secure AI methodologies
  • euROBIN: advance AI tools, software, architectures, and hardware components in a reproducibile approach
  • VISON4AI: to reinforce, interconnect and mobilise Europe’s AI community
  • CLAIRE: A confederation of over 400 laboratories for AI research that aims to establish a network of Centres of Excellence in AI and a central facility with state-of-the-art infrastructure

The AI-on-Demand Platform

Technically not a Centre of Excellence, but quite related. The AI-on-Demand Platform (AIoD) is a community-driven channel designed to empower European research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), while ensuring the European seal of quality, trustworthiness and explainability.

AIoD facilitates knowledge sharing, research experimentation and development of state-of-the art solutions and technologies related with AI and AI-based robotics. Depending on your background, start reading their for researchers, for technology providers, for DIHs, or for SMEs introduction pages.


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image of Micado - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Micado - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Atlas Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen is an autonomous agency and a non-profit organisation responsible for implementing the Flemish integration policy on behalf of and for the City of Antwerp. Atlas offers several types of services for newcomers and Antwerp’s public and non-profit organisations.

In 2018, under the leadership of HafenCity University Hamburg, Atlas participated in the H2020 call 'Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions'. The proposal 'MICADO - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards' was approved by the European Commission and the project started in January 2019 and runs until June 2022.