
European Innovation Procurement Awards call open for submission

Published on | 3 years ago

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From today the call for The European Innovation Procurement Awards is open for submission. The deadline of the call is 29 July at 17 hours Brussels time. As explained in the European Innovation Council 2021 work programme the awards aim to “recognise public and private buyers across Europe in their efforts to promote innovation procurement and the innovative ways the solutions are procured. It also aims to emphasise the importance of close buyer – supplier cooperation in bringing the innovative solutions to market. These awards complement other EIC initiatives aimed at supporting and fostering innovation procurement in the European Union.” This year's awards have three categories in which a winner and a runner-up will be selected:

  • Innovation procurement strategy award
  • Facing societal challenges award
  • Procurement leadership award

All information related to the call can be found on the dedicated call topic pages on the funding and tender portal

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image of PBNv2 - a MSCA ITN in the field of automotive R&D

PBNv2 - a MSCA ITN in the field of automotive R&D

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) European Innovative Training Network “PBNv2 - Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles” started in May 2017. Their research has the shared objective of investigating the possibilities to decrease pass-by noise of vehicles.

The project is a collaboration between 17 research institutions and companies in the European automotive R&D and provides a learning environment for 14 PhD fellows. The Belgian partner is the Noise and Vibration Research Group of KU Leuven, and this project is one of the many Horizon 2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks that the KU Leuven research group participates in.