Partnership website:
Photonics (light based technologies) is an essential building block for the digital transformation and for a green and healthy future in Europe. The main objectives are to strengthen the photonics ecosystem along the value chain, support diffusion of photonics technologies and contributes to growth and jobs and raise competitiveness.
By 2030 Europe will have maintained leadership in core and emerging photonic technologies.
The European Technology Platform Photonics21 represents the photonics community of industry and research organisations. Jointly with the European Commission our members develop and implement a common photonics strategy in a Horizon Europe Public Private Partnership (PPP) to spur growth and jobs in Europe.
Partners: Photonics21:
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
Circusol is an Innovation Action project funded under a cross-cutting work programme part of Horizon 2020. Circusol aims at unleashing the full potential of circular business models, in particular Product-Service Systems, in simultaneously delivering real environmental, economic and user benefits. By that, Circusol aims to establish solar power as a spearhead sector in demonstrating a path driven by service-based businesses towards a circular economy in Europe.
A strong Flemish partnership in new Horizon 2020 project on circular economy business demonstrators, including VITO (Coordinator), IMEC, Ecopower cvba, Futech bvba, PV Cycle aisbl and Daidalos Peutz bvba.