Published on | 3 months ago
Programmes AI, data & cloudDigital Europe project DS4SSCC-DEP (Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities) has opened its third and last round of cascade funding calls.
The aim of these Calls for Pilots is to validate an EU-wide cross-sectorial data space in practice and to advance its development and implementation to support policy priorities of cities and communities within the European Union, including the green-digital transformation based on secure and sovereign data infrastructure.
The pilot call is specifically designed for local public administrations in the EU and Digital Europe Programme (DEP) Associated countries and partners working with them (e.g., companies, civil society organisations, academia). The consortia must be capable of executing a cross-sectorial and cross-border pilot activity, and co-finance at least 50% of the pilot activity.
All relevant information on the background, objectives and scope of this call, as well as the conditions of participation, the available budget and the application templates can be found on the dedicated website of this call.
Deadline to submit proposals is 28 February 2025.
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
The EITHOS project, funded under Horizon Europe Cluster 3 call “Online identity theft is countered”, aims to develop a “European Identity Theft Observatory System” (EITHOS). The system will provide easy access to information and intelligence about previous and current identity theft related trends to empower EU citizens, Law Enforcements Agencies (LEAs), and policy makers to further contribute to the prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes related to online identity theft. The Cyber and Data Security Lab (CDSL), part of the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), is one of the 12 partners in the EITHOS consortium, contributing its vast expertise on legal aspects of data protection, cybersecurity and information security law and policy.