Published on | 3 years ago
Last updated on | 3 weeks ago
The costs in this category cover the costs that a third party has for resources it contributes to the action (i.e. made available for use by the project). In Horizon 2020 this could be made available for free or against payment. This can include incorporation of a seconded personnel in the project, made available by a third party, or for example the use of lab equipment made available by the third party.
It is still possible in Horizon Europe to work with in-kind contributions, though it is categorised in a different way than in Horizon 2020 since no specific article for in-kind contribution exists anymore.
The notion of ‘in-kind contributions’ against payment does not exist anymore in the Corporate Grant Agreement of Horizon Europe. In-kind contribution can only refer according to the Financial Regulation to in-kind contributions free-of-charge (see in beneath).
If there is second personnel from a third party you will count on, then this should be included as your personnel cost under category A, but under personnel categery A3 in the budget table “seconded personnel”. If you will use equipment or hire a service, then it should be included under the purchase costs.
This is in the program period 2021-2027 solely possible in Horizon Europe. In the AMGA on page 9 (and further in art 6(1) and art 9(2)) dedicated explanation is given. The costs must be declared in the relevant cost category depending on the type of cost (as for “in-kind contribution against payment”) as if they are costs of the beneficiaries themselves. So seconded personnel should be included as category personnel cost A3.
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
Professor Inez Germeys leads the Center for Contextual Psychiatry at KU Leuven, which is a large multi-disciplinary research group focusing on the interaction between the person and the environment in the development of psychopathology. She has received a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant (INTERACT) and Proof of Concept grant (IMPACT). With these grants professor Germeys and her team researched a new mobile self-management therapy for patients with a psychotic disorder. The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) was further developed for the clinical environment. In line with that the Horizon 2020 IMMERSE project aims to thoroughly evaluate strategies, processes, and outcomes of implementing a digital mobile mental health solution.