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Security research in ERC grants awarded during FP7 and Horizon 2020

Published on | 4 years ago

Programmes ERC Security
Daniel Frank and Zdeněk Kučera from the Technology Centre CAS in Prague, Czech Republic, have analysed which ERC funded research under FP7 and Horizon 2020 was executed/is in progress on security topics, more specifically categorised along four security programme lines in the Societal Challenge 7 (Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europa and its citizens), which are DS – Digital Security; FCT – Fight against Crime and Terrorism, Criminology, Criminality prevention; DRS – Disaster-Resilience: Safeguarding and securing society and BES – Border Security and External Security. Under FP7 and Horizon 2020 a total of 236 ERC grants were devoted to security research amounting to 2% and 2.6% of the total of ERC grants.

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image of Methylomic – Hope & Improved outcomes for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe

Methylomic – Hope & Improved outcomes for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe

The METHYLOMIC project, ‘targeting hope for personalised medicine in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project aims to personalise treatment allocation and enhance the effectiveness of medications for chronic immune-mediated diseases such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. BIRD, the Belgian inflammatory bowel disease research and development group, is a partner in the project and is involved in the OmiCrohn trial, a prospective randomised clinical trial for individualised therapy in Crohn’s disease patients. With BIRD’s active role in this trial, the project is set to deliver predictive, biomarker-based therapies that bring renewed hope for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe.